Mamaia Boulevard, Constanta 900001



From the entrance you will get acquainted with the good taste and elegance of the restaurant and the classic air offered by the furniture that covers the entire location, harmoniously combining modern architectural lines with natural elements, relying on simplicity and functionality of forms.

Calatoria gastronomica incepe in Restaurantul Serenity, in acest cadru generos de peste 620 m², cu o estetica minimalista si o priveliste incantatoare spre foisorul Dias, cu acces catre terasa si gradina interioara, totul creand o experienta satisfacatoare. Perfect situat la parter, in apropiere de receptia hotelului, cu intrare interioara si exterioara, cu spatii modulare invadate de lumina calda si naturala, Restaurantul Serenity devine locatia ideala pentru orice tip de eveniment, de la petreceri private de 20 persoane, pana la evenimente de amploare de 650 persoane.


Viata este despre experiente traite la maximum si amintiri pentru totdeauna, iar evenimentele nu sunt doar despre mancare, ci mai degraba despre atmosfera, atentie la detalii si filosofia intregului concept de eveniment menit sa celebreze un moment important din viata.

Mobilierul, aranjamentele florale, decorurile si diversitatea preparatelor vor face din evenimentul tau o adevarata sarbatoare, intr-o nota personala, asa cum ai visat sa il organizezi. In orice locatie ai alege sa iti celebrezi evenimentul, fiecare trebuie sa aiba propriul concept si sa spuna propria poveste. Evenimentele realizate de noi au puterea de a transpune invitatii intr-o lume a rasfatului culinar, creand contextul perfect de a trai cele mai placute experiente. Petrecerea ta va fi cu adevarat spectaculoasa, iar noi vom fi atenti in cel mai mic detaliu pentru ca totul sa iasa perfect.


Open from the first signs of spring, the Dias Gazebo, in front of the restaurant, turns into a welcoming corner of nature, a place where everything talks about relaxation, delicious food, aromatic drinks and pleasant music.

Protected from the noise and crowds of the city, open to hotel guests or outside clients always looking for a cool setting and positive energy, the Dias Gazebo becomes a secret outdoor oasis, which tempts you with a cold lemonade or a delicious smoothie. Abundant greenery, arched wooden floors and paired swings set the tone for inspiring evenings away from everyday stress. Warm and relaxing, with a natural design, the Dias Gazebo is the perfect setting for lunches, cocktails, romantic dinners or corporate events.


The aroma of fresh coffee, the mixes of fresh juices and snacks from Colombo Bar or Marco Polo Bar, will harmonize your senses and open your mind, creating moments of relaxation, inspiration and peace.

Located in the lobby, Colombo Bar is our recommendation for business meetings organized outside the office and for discussions during coffee breaks between meetings. The terrace with the comfortable sofas in front of the bar, the pleasant ambiance and the natural light transforms a simple exit to a coffee into a moment of total relaxation. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the Marco Polo pool bar is the perfect place to relax with a cocktail while enjoying the sun. Indulge your senses with light snacks or healthy salads, and enjoy our selection of drinks.