Mamaia Boulevard, Constanta 900001



By accessing the website we consider you agree with the terms and conditions below.

This website, hereinafter referred to as ro is an information site regarding the events and offers of the Bavaria Blu hotel, located on Mamaia Boulevard, Constanța 900001. The content of the site is public, and access to information is allowed to any user who wants to find out more details about the offers of our hotel: corporate events, special events (weddings, birthday parties, etc.), various offers included related to the events held within the location. The administrator of this site reserves the right to make any modification of the structure and content for partial or total, at any time, without notifying the visitors of the website.

The content of the site is intended for personal use, without direct or indirect commercial purpose. All materials presented on the site (including, but not limited to: texts, information, photos, virtual tours, data, etc. - generically called content) are protected by the relevant legal provisions: law no. 8/1996, with amendments and subsequent completions, regarding copyrights and related rights, law no. 84/1998, regarding trademarks and geographical indications and law no. 129/1992, republished, regarding industrial designs. The lack of mention regarding some legal texts or incidental provisions does not lead to their inapplicability.

The site and content are protected by Romanian copyright law, as well as by copyright provisions applicable in territories other than Romania. You may not store, modify, or transfer in any way, in part or in whole the Site and / or the Content. The exploitation is free under the condition of non-commerciality and acceptance of the terms imposed by is not responsible for any damages, existing litigations, born or arised in connection with / from copying, storing, modifying or transferring all or in part of the content in any environment. All information presented on the site is informative. does not assume responsibility for the correctness of the information presented, you can only be used for personal information.

Toate informatiile prezentate pe site au caracter informativ. nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru corectitudinea informatiilor prezentate, poti fi folosite doar pentru informare personala.

All rights reserved to Users can download and print content from this site only for personal or non-commercial use.

The retrieval of the information from the site is possible only in the following case: only a paragraph of the informative content and a maximum of one picture can be retrieved. At the end of the material on your site, in a separate paragraph, the text “[title]” must be displayed with a link on the text” to the page

The site ro is a service provided by ItPack and which will be called the site.

The site is a Romanian language site, created, developed and operated by ro and to which the following terms of use apply which include, but are not limited to, all texts, pictures, any interactive tools, personal pages in any of the pages of the site. The website will not be held responsible for any violation of these terms of use. If you do not agree with the content of this document, please do not use the services of this site. Please check each time you return to this site to see if the terms of use have changed.

Your continued use of the Site implies your acceptance of these terms of use.

www. reserves the right to complete and / or modify these terms of use with additional terms that will be published on the page of the service corresponding to which those terms apply. You hereby agree that these additional terms are part of the general terms of use and are subject to the same rules.


To subscribe to the newsletter you must provide your e-mail address. It is mandatory that the data entered in the form is real. It is not allowed to enter false data, as well as to enter data that does not belong to you. After completing the form you will be automatically subscribed to the newsletter. The provider reserves the right to refuse without prior notice the subscription to the newsletter if it is observed that the data entered in the form are not real or does not belong to you.

The user must ensure that the newsletters sent by the provider reach their destination (they are delivered to the Inbox). If the e-mails sent by the provider end up in the Spam / Junk / Bulk / Trash folder (automatic) or are marked as Spam by the software used (the e-mail client), the user must click on Not Spam / Not junk.

It is not allowed in any form to report as Spam / Abuse any newsletter sent by the provider. The provider respects the user's right to privacy, and if the user does not want to receive the newsletters sent by the provider, it is enough to unsubscribe. Unsubscribing is instant, and the user will not receive furher newsletters.

By completing the newsletter subscription form, as a user, you expressly agree that your personal data will be stored and processed by the provider.

The personal data filled in the form will be used in accordance with the privacy policy and will not be made public to any third party without your consent.

The provider does not offer any guarantee on the content of the newsletter and does not offer the guarantee that the service will work without interruptions or without errors, the defects will be remedied or the materials provided by e-mail are correct, or reliable. The provider does not guarantee that security or human and / or software errors can be completely prevented. The provider will not be liable for any damages, losses or inconveniences caused by the use of the service. The responsibility for using the service rests entirely with the user. 

Either party has the right to terminate the provision, respectively access to the newsletter service, at any time, without invoking any reason and without prior notice SC MARINA & SANTIS SRL reserves the right to stop providing its services to the user, in case he violated the conditions mentioned above.

These General Terms and Conditions  are subject to Romanian law. Any misunderstanding regarding their execution will be resolved amicably. If such a solution is not possible, the dispute will be submitted for settlement to the competent courts in the city where the company SC MARINA & SANTIS SRL is registered.

Respecting the Code of Conduct on the Prevention and Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Tourism, adults accompanied by children up to 14 years, will present the child's birth certificate or passport, as well as any other document proving the relationship. Adults accompanied by children over 14 years of age will present the minor's identity card or passport, as well as any other document proving the relationship. 

For any questions regarding the service provided you can contact us on the e-mail address:

The provider can collaborate with third parties in order to be able to offer you the free service in optimal conditions.

These Terms and Conditions may be modified later, at any time by SC MARINA & SANTIS SRLwithout the need for prior notice. When these changes are made, the company will visibly make available a new version of the General Terms and Conditions on the website. The user is obliged to periodically check these terms and conditions, and if he no longer agrees with them, he can unsubscribe from the Newsletter service.

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